Bare Concrete Vs

Epoxy Flooring

bare concrete

Bare concrete can be a stunning addition to any area where it is installed but in some cases, it may not be the best solution. Concrete floors have become increasingly popular but come with certain downfalls. Epoxy is a great flooring solution that can be durable and long-lasting and in the end, be protective for you concrete making it better in the long run.

Bare Concrete

Concrete can be a beautiful and stunning flooring option but left untreated can turn into an eyesore quickly. Other than the aesthetics, there are also safety concerns that come along with bare concrete flooring.


The appearance of bare concrete can start as a stunning piece of art but over time things can change, and quickly! Bare concrete is susceptible to a lot of damage by not having any type of protective coating. Cracks, chips, and flaking can occur but also stains and spots that are hard to clean can appear.


Keeping bare concrete clean can be a handful because of the nature of the material. Bare concrete is known for being dusty and dirty whether it’s inside or outdoors. Daily sweeping is always recommended for any flooring to keep it clean but no matter how often you sweep because of the dust that concrete produces you will feel like you’re constantly sweeping to keep it clean.


Bare concrete floors can pose a lot of safety concerns. Concrete can be very slick especially if things are spilled, even after the cleanup, the spot will still be a hazard until it is completely dry. Other than the spills that can occur causing hazards, concrete that is untreated can cracks, chips, or flake causing further damage and can cause trips and falls.

Epoxy Flooring
bare concrete

Epoxy flooring is a superior flooring solution that is safe, strong, and durable. This flooring is absolutely beautiful and comes in many different colors and designs. This flooring is easily maintained and is made to last for years to come.


There is no hiding how beautiful epoxy flooring is and it comes in many different designs and colors. Anything from solid colors to stunning metallic swirls, the possibilities for personalization are endless. You can choose to have more of a matte finish or a high-gloss shine that will never lose its luster.


As opposed to concrete that produces dust to no end, epoxy flooring repels dirt and dust and is extremely easy to clean. A simple dust mop or broom can keep this flooring clean without the need for special cleaners. Harsh chemicals won’t hurt the surface of this flooring option and it is stain-resistant so there’s no worry of anything dimming these floorings shine!


Epoxy floors have a high-quality shine as well as bright colors that are highly reflective that give added safety by brightening any room it is in. With epoxy flooring, you will never have to worry about cracking or chipping causing trips and falls. Matter of fact, this flooring actually offers slip-resistance making it perfect for areas that need some added safety.
